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Table 1 Checklist for ED pandemic workflow

From: A conceptual framework for Emergency department design in a pandemic


Situational awareness & perimeter defence

ED staff protection

Surge capacity management

ED Input


Workflow & protocols

â–¡ Is there a single entrance into the ED?

â–¡ Is there a screening criterion for all ED patients? (incorporating clinical and epidemiological features)

â–¡ Is the screening criteria kept up-to-date?

â–¡ Are there clear triage criteria (high suspect, intermediate suspect & non-suspect)

â–¡ Is there a protocol for the type of PPE to be worn by screening, triage and ancillary staff?

â–¡ Do all patients have to wear masks?

â–¡ Are there safe-distancing measures for patients in waiting areas?

â–¡ Is there a contactless screening system?

â–¡ Is there a workflow to re-direct well patients to alternative screening centres?


â–¡ Is there a system to allow early alert of the 1st index case?

â–¡ Does the system alert new cluster pickups through the ED?

â–¡ Is there a platform for communication with pre-hospital ambulance system?

â–¡ Is there a platform for the ED surveillance team to communicate with the infectious disease team in the hospital? (e.g.: Command centre)

â–¡ Are there clear instructions of PPE expectation in the different areas?

â–¡ Is there clear communication about staff movement between areas?

â–¡ Is there clear communication with patients and relatives about their movement within the different areas?

â–¡ Is the ED able to communicate to the primary healthcare facility about changes in workflows to manage the input?

â–¡ Is there a platform to communicate with the hospital inpatient departments?

â–¡ Is the ED able to communicate workflow changes to the public?

STAFF (Manpower/ Leadership/ Command teams/ Operational teams/ Working teams)

â–¡ Is there a designated ED surveillance team to monitor changes in screening criterion?

â–¡ Are there more experienced nursing staff at triage?

â–¡ Has security personnel been activated to restrict access into ED during outbreak period?

â–¡ Have vulnerable staff members (e.g. pregnant or immunocompromised) been appropriately re-deployed to minimise exposure.

â–¡ Who is responsible for training staff for PPE (ED staff, augmented, ancillary)?

â–¡ Are there plans for augmented manpower at screening area?

â–¡ Who trains the augmented staff for screening?

SPACE (Infrastructure/ ED spaces/ Ward spaces)

â–¡ Do you have a screening area before triage?

â–¡ Are there separate triage areas for patients following screening into high suspect, intermediate suspect and non-suspect categories?

â–¡ Can the spaces be reorganised to reduce exposure & movement of staff?

□ Is the IT system able to capture the patients’ data, to facilitate contact tracing?

â–¡ Is there IT support in expanded areas?

SUPPLY (PPE/ Cleaning equipment/ Clinical management equipment)

â–¡ Are there any point of care test kits to facilitate screening process?

â–¡ Is there adequate PPE for the different risks areas and does a reliable supply chain exist?

â–¡ Are masks provided for patients in waiting areas?

â–¡ Are there standby equipment for areas that need to be expanded?

ED Throughput


Workflow & protocols

â–¡ Is the system able to limit movement of patients between the different suspect areas?

â–¡ Is the system able to monitor patients and staff movement between the different suspect areas?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for testing in the ED such that the cases can be labelled confirm infected rather than suspected?

â–¡ Is there a strict area demarcation between the different COVID suspect areas?

â–¡ Are there regular PPE training & audits?

â–¡ Are there handwashing audits or equivalent?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for PPE during intubation?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for aerosol generating procedures?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for the cardiac arrest/ drowsy/ AMS patients?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for high risk suspects with time sensitive conditions (AMI, stroke)?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for patients with respiratory symptoms?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for dying/palliative patients?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for patient intubation?

â–¡ Is a rapid diagnostic test being used for the outbreak?

â–¡ Is there a workflow with the radiologist to have reports out early?

â–¡ Is there a workflow with microbiology for early results?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for testing and sending well patients home?


â–¡ Is there a platform to communicate patient workflow and management changes?

â–¡ Are Instructions readily available on donning and doffing of PAPR?

â–¡ Is there a platform to communicate with infectious disease specialists within hospital?

â–¡ Are there considerations for patients in high risk areas to communicate with staff through portable electronic devices from their negative pressure/ isolation rooms?

â–¡ How is the movement of patients within the ED communicated to ED staff?

â–¡ Is there a platform to communicate with radiologists and microbiologists to facilitate investigations done within ED?

STAFF (Manpower/ Leadership/ Command teams/ Operational teams/ Working teams)

â–¡ Is there a system to reduce mixing between working teams? (e.g.: modular, team based or staff remaining in their allocated areas for a period of time?)

â–¡ Are there measures to avoid placing the immunocompromised and the pregnant staff in intermediate and high suspect areas?

â–¡ Is there a self-monitoring system that allow staff to detect for early signs of infection (e.g.: temperature taking) and report in sick?

â–¡ What will be the workflow for the allied healthcare staff in ED? (e.g.: physiotherapy)

â–¡ Is there augmented manpower at the various areas?

SPACE (Infrastructure/ ED spaces/ Ward spaces)

â–¡ Is there geographical/ physical segregation between the patients of different risk categories?

â–¡ Are there negative pressure rooms in the high suspect areas?

â–¡ Is there adequate spacing between the patients in the intermediate and high suspect areas?

â–¡ How will radiology spaces be managed?

â–¡ Are there shower facilities for staff?

â–¡ Is there adequate space in the pantry for staff to have their meals with physical distancing?

â–¡ Is there a designated path for high and intermediate suspect cases to take to their respective investigation areas (e.g.: CT scan)

â–¡ Does the IT system allow the smooth flow of patient information from the screening to their inpatient or community notes?

SUPPLY (PPE/ Cleaning equipment/ Clinical management equipment)

â–¡ Are there sufficient equipment for patients to rest on in the various areas without cross contamination risks?

â–¡ Are there disposable/ hospital-based scrubs that staff can wear?

â–¡ Are there alternative equipment for patient management during the outbreak (eg: spacer instead of nebuliser)

â–¡ Is there an established supply chain for drugs?

ED Output


Workflow & protocols

â–¡ Is there a workflow to determine disposition of the patients?

â–¡ Are there PPE rules for the staff bringing high and intermediate suspect patients being brought to the ward?

â–¡ Is there a protocol to clear the route while bringing the patients up to the ward?

â–¡ Is there a workflow for interfacility transfer?

â–¡ Is there a workflow to clear inpatient beds during a surge?


□ Is there a method of communicating patients’ ‘suspect status’ when admitting them to the ward?

□ Is there a method of communicating patients’ status when doctors from other disciplines review patients in the ED?

□ Is there a good handover regarding patients’ suspect status when sending them to the ward?

â–¡ Is there a platform to communicate with BMU during surges?

â–¡ Is there a platform to recall patients after they are d/c? (for contact tracing, information of results)

STAFF (Manpower/ Leadership/ Command teams/ Operational teams/ Working teams)

â–¡ Is there adequate manpower in the holding areas?

â–¡ Is the staff transporting the patient trained to wear appropriate PPE?

â–¡ Is the security clearing the route trained to wear appropriate PPE?

â–¡ Is there augmented manpower at the holding areas?

â–¡ Is the adequate manpower to transport patients?

â–¡ Is there adequate manpower to carry out adequate cleaning of the intermediate and high suspect areas?

SPACE (Infrastructure/ ED spaces/ Ward spaces)

â–¡ Is there adequate holding areas in the 3 suspect categories?

â–¡ Is there adequate PPE for ancillary staff (Security, admin, porter)?

â–¡ Is there supply chain of decontamination substances?

â–¡ Are there spaces that can be opened up during a surge to hold patients awaiting beds?

â–¡ Are there sufficient ICU beds and is are there escalation plans when ICU beds are full?

SUPPLY (PPE/ Cleaning equipment/ Clinical management equipment)

â–¡ Are there rapid results test kits available to detect the infection and facilitate segregation during disposition?

â–¡ Is there adequate partitioning within the ED to keep patients of different risk profiles separated while awaiting disposition?

â–¡ Is there adequate supplies for disposal of contaminated equipment?

â–¡ Is there adequate transport equipment (e.g. wheelchair, trolley)